Arrival of the Birds / Exodus (From "The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos")

The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra & The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra;Evan Jolly


Display Artists The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra & The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra;Evan Jolly
Recording Year 2013
Duration 07:24
Sample Start Time 0
Rights Controlled Master
Owner Name / Ownership % Silva Screen Records / 100.00%
Title Arrival of the Birds / Exodus (From "The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos")
WritersJason Swinscoe
Original PublishersUniversal Music Publishing (E)
Administered ByUniversal Music Publishing (AM)
Perf %Mech %Synch %
Total Collection (Controlled)0.0000.0000.000
Writer's Share Controlled No
Controlled Interested Parties IPI Number Share % Role Perf Society Perf Own % Perf Coll % Mech Own % Mech Coll % Synch Own % Synch Coll %
N Jason Swinscoe CA
Y/N Universal Music Publishing E
Y/N Universal Music Publishing AM
Share % Perf Own % Perf Coll % Mech Own % Mech Coll % Synch Own % Synch Coll %
The City of Prague Philharmonic OrchestraMain Artist
The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra;Evan JollyMain Artist

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